How to Improve Your Online Data Privacy?

With the advent of the Internet & its applications, the users have gained ample benefits towards accessing information in a seamless manner. In addition to the benefits, there are several security concerns that threaten most of the users across the globe. Massive data breaches happen across the worldwide every now & then.

It has become the need of the hour to remain cautious when online as there are tons of hackers & spammers out there that keep looking for ways to breach your confidential information. As such, it becomes immensely important for the global Internet users to improve the online data privacy measures to remain safe from such malicious attacks. Here are some ways to achieve the same:

  • Check Your Social Privacy Settings: If you are active on social accounts, you must remember that these platforms contain a lot of information about you. You would be even surprised to know that much of your information is easily visible to others unless you have applied some strict social privacy settings. This is the reason the experts recommend that you must strengthen your social security by updating your privacy settings. You must decide it for yourself to give access to strangers towards retrieving information about your profile.


  • Do Not Use Social Storage for Private Information: Though public or social storages might not come with any limits, it is still advisable to refrain yourself from making use of social storage spaces. For instance, Google Docs is not considered an ideal place for storing your passwords. Similarly, Dropbox is not considered the best spot for keeping your passport scans unless you store them in some encrypted drive.


  • Keep Your Primary Email Address & Contact Number Private: If you do share your primary email address and contact number anywhere on the Internet, you only get the reward of tons of spam in your email box and never-ending robocalls on your phone. If it is unavoidable for you to share this information with social media sites or online stores, you should remain safe from sharing it with random people or unauthorized online services. Try creating an alternative email address that you can share with online portals & services


  • Make Use of Secure Passwords: If you to protect your confidential information from breaching, it is vital that you secure your online accounts with the help of strong passwords. You can consider making use of the 2-factor authentication process to enhance your online security. Try making use of different passwords for each online service. You can also consider availing services from some reliable antivirus program to keep your online activities secure from any malicious attack.


Online security is a major concern in the recent times. With the ever-rising instances of significant online breaches, it is high time that you consider upgrading your online security measures. This will help in protecting your data online.